What I Registered For and Loved


Registering for our wedding was one of the most exciting but overwhelming things we had to do! Daniel and I registed at Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Bed Bath and Beyond, Food52 and Brombergs.

We got engaged on March 3rd, 2017 and got married on October 21, 2017. We had a pretty short engagement but it was the perfect amount of time to really figure out what we wanted for our new home. (You can read all about our wedding HERE!!!)

I've gotten a lot of requests for a post about what I registered for and loved, so without further adieu, here it is!



For all you brides out there-Don't let registering overwhelm you! Enjoy the process and stay true to who you are. One of the best pieces of advice I got was to register for things that I knew I would love, not just things that I had seen other people register for. Find things that make you happy!

Happy registering!
