My Baby Registry


I’m 20 weeks pregnant (HALFWAY!!!) and have started my baby registry which has been so much fun! I asked you all to share some of your baby registry must-haves on Instagram and I got so many amazing recommendations. My older sister, Jessica, just had a baby 9 months ago and she has given me so many great tips and recommendations too. As of now, I’m registering on Amazon and at a local store in Montgomery, Alabama called Namedropper-Storkland. I’ve done a lot of research on these products, but I’m sure I’ll have so many more thoughts and opinions when this baby is here and I can actually use them. Here’s what I have so far!

  • Stroller: My sister and SO many others have recommended the UPPABaby Vista Stroller so that’s what we went with. I love the look of it, and I think I’ll use it ALL the time.

  • Diapers/Wipes: We’re starting out with Pampers Swaddlers and Water Wipes. My nephew had terrible diaper rash when he was first born and my sister switched to Water Wipes which helped SO much because they didn’t irritate his skin. I’m also planning to use lots of Aquaphor for the baby’s little bottom and I’m getting for this Diaper Cream Brush which makes it so easy to apply. I'm excited to get the Ubbi Baby Wipe Dispenser because as one of my friends said, “Life is too short to have trouble pulling out wipes.”

  • Swaddles/Sleep sacks: Ollie Swaddle, Halo Swaddle and Halo Sleep Sack.

  • Wraps/carriers: I plan to carry this little guy everywhere and I know I’ll need to bake with him on me, so I’m getting the Solly Wrap which I’ve heard WONDERFUL things about! I’m also registering for the Ergobaby Carrier.

We can hardly wait for baby Robert to be here in December!!

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